
Finally! All You Need To Know About Adventure Travel Agencies And Their Dirty Tricks

learn From My 14+ Years Of experience working as an Outdoor Adventure Sports guide in Triglav National Park,
and find out:

How To Have The Perfect Adventure Holidays In Slovenia Without Being Treated Like A Number

Having an ideal adventure travel holidays is much easier if you can use some help from a local guide. However, many people do not realise this and are in risk of making critical mistakes that could have some serious consequences!

Here is what you will discover In My Free Insider Report

The current situation of adventure travel
the weather
high vs low season
reservations and prices
The agencies: how to spot the shitty ones
The guides: what to look for when hiring a guide
best places for outdoor activities
activities that i think are a must

and here is my phone number just in case you want to call me right now

(And Ask Me What's The Weather Like In Slovenia)

You can basically ask me whatever you need advice on, whether you are already in Slovenia or only planing a trip to come over

+ need a mechanic?
No problem. I have 14 mechs in my book.
+ no idea where to find the bus to Ljubljana?
Call me.
+ rainy weather! what to do?
I have the answer!
+ don't know what to do with a knocked-out tooth from a rafting accident?
Call me.
+ deflated tire?
Easy fix, I got you!
+ hungry?
Here's a sandwich!

Save yourself the energy, money and your time!
Get INSTANT access now!